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Evolve And Heal The Body:
An Energetic Self-Healing Series

This series hands you back the keys

to health and wholeness

through powerful teachings, healings, and an energetic self-healing toolset that

aids you in restoring and revitalizing your body

from the inside out. All the while holding you in true healing community centered around real sharing, deep listening, and love.

The gifts I received through my participation in the Evolve and Heal the Body program were deep connection, greater awareness of my own power, reinforced faith in the energy of love and its ability to heal, a renewed determination - as well as the tools - to make changes in my life which will bring me greater alignment, joy and purpose... the entire experience was nurturing and fun.  So much honesty, with free flowing tears and laughter.  


I don't think I have ever felt so safe to be myself.


-Gayle M.

Did you know that you're made of energy?

Within you is a column of energy that runs through your body, feeding energy centers along your spine. This is all contained within a larger energy field that powers your entire body and being that is being called your biofield.

Dis-ease and dysregulation occur within when energy stagnates anywhere within this field.

Learning to feel and work with this system to restore energy to its natural state of flow is imperative in maintaining your physical and emotional wellbeing. 

So, come learn and grow with us.


During Evolve you will get:


  • Daily group energetic healing sessions


  • Illuminating teachings about your body’s energetic system  and the human biofield, and how they work


  • True community with other likeminded self-healers


  • Intricate details about each energy center of the body and how they feed your human anatomy


  • A comprehensive look at the interconnection between the human biofield and our emotions


  • Tools and teachings to transmute and release energetic densities that can affect the physical, emotional and energetic levels in the body


  • A transformational 10 Step Self-Healing Protocol, offering you energetic self-healing tools that work all the way down to the cellular level within your body


  • A chance to finally settle into deeper states of ease, trust, and awe in your day to day life

Ready to Join Us?


Start here, with
Part One: Rooting Into The Body

Part One: Rooting Into The Body is the pre-requisite for all subsequent programs at CFEH, and we are working to bring you many ways to take this incredible introductory program. For now, you can choose an in person section in Maine or a virtual section on Zoom.


Fall 2024

Centers for Energetic Healing Home Office, Bath, ME


Join us for four restorative days of learning, meaningful conversations, real community, and real life personal transformation. This is a connected, truly innovative healing experience you don't want to miss.

Part Two

Have you taken Part One, and you're ready for more? Join us for
Part Two: Energetic and Emotional Digestion


Fall 2024


Centers for Energetic Healing Home Office, Bath, ME


Join us for Part Two! Four more restorative days of learning, meaningful conversations, real community, and real life personal transformation. This program takes everything you learned in Part One, deepens and adds to it, bringing you the opportunity to sink ever deeper into true root level healing.

Meet Intutructors

Meet Your Instructors

Jessica Bell is a licensed osteopathic physician with over 20 years of experience and co-founder of Centers For Energetic Healing. Jess is an anatomy fanatic, a truly gifted and guided energy healer, and our go-to human for all things energy and the human biofield.​


Jess integrates and bridges the worlds of biodynamic osteopathy with the ancient healing arts which we now know is just the clearing and utilization of the human biofield.


Claire Garner is a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach and serves as our resident Intuitive Emotional Healing Guide. 


Claire is our relationships person, and our biggest teacher of emotional competence and self love. She is here to aid us creating loving relationships with ourselves while overcoming the limitations of our beliefs... so here at the Centers you will find her running programs with Jess, writing blog posts around emotional healing, and leading Self Healing Immersion, our online community of self-healers, alongside Jess.


Jeni Nagy is our yoga instructor for July's Evolve Part One Program. A serious injury unearthed a search for healing. Among many modalities, Jeni landed in a yoga practice that catapulted her long standing limited range of motion and severe pain, into a sense of spaciousness and freedom.

Becoming a Registered Yoga Teacher in hopes of sharing this medicine with others, seemed intuitive. With the island of Oahu serving as a sanctuary, healing and observation surfaced and those teachings she would soon offer were absorbed and metabolized. “Yoga brought me back to life, awakened my energy body, and aligned me to my soul. I live this medicine and love to share breath work (pranayama), movement (asana), meditation, and sound. My hope is to gift those who will listen, an opportunity to align with their light and powerful innate healing abilities.”

In Part One: Rooting Into The Body you will learn:


  • The scientifically proven structure and framework of the energetic system of your body


  • How to engage with these energies, using your own hands, breath and intention


  • The role of emotions in energetic healing, and tools to begin to work competently with emotions


  • A 10 Step energetic self-healing protocol to get you started on your journey to restoring your health within


  • What stagnant energy does within your body and more importantly, what it feels like

You will be placed into a deeply healing group container, held and offered energetic healing sessions each day to
catalyze healing within your body.

Since Evolve Part One, I have added the feet and knees to my meditation/visualization practice and found a deepening of my experience there. Even more powerful has been the conscious inclusion of the biofield, reclaiming parts of myself from my past as I breathe into my energy centers... I am so appreciative of this work, so grateful to Dr. Jess for bringing it to us in such a loving, compassionate way.


I believe this work can heal the planet. 


-Jennifer F.

More About This Series

This series is perfect for humans who….


  • prioritize healing, recognizing that in order to offer services to humanity, you must attend to your own healing first.

  • are looking for healing tools that when applied daily afford you the level of healing all the way down to the atoms you are made up of.

  • are aware that a new paradigm is needed for true healing, and you want to be on the leading edge of the shift.

  • are open to the possibility that deeper healing than ever before is possible now due to recent energetic shifts on the planet.

  • are willing to be vulnerable in the group when you feel called to share experiences that we can all learn from together, knowing the healing container is holding you in love.

  • are ready to return to a reconnected and revitalized version of yourself that gets to feel younger, more energetic and joyful as you evolve and heal.

An Innovative Gift For Your Body


The more you know about the intricacies of your physical body, the energies it is made up of and how much power you hold within you to heal and support yourself from within, the more you ease and Health you will be able to step into.


This series provides a foundational understanding of the energetic systems and sources that you are made of and also provides a toolset to work with these energies. The intention is to teach you how to engage with your body in a structured way in order to support your physical vessel (which includes your emotional wellbeing) throughout your life. 


We will travel all the way down to the very core of your physical body and work to clear out and heal you at the most fundamental cellular and microscopic levels. It is cleaning up and clearing out the ocean of energy that breathes through you, in order to evolve into the healthiest version of yourself from the inside out.

Still have a burning question before signing up?
No problem! 
Just send us an email at

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