Resources for Practitioners of The Health!
This page is meant for medical professionals, cranial practitioners, dentists, and other practitioners interested in learning more about Energetic Osteopathy® and how it augments your current healing offerings.
As time goes on, it is our hope that this page is a landing page both for you to see what's happening in the world of EO and also to serve as a vast library of information about energy healing and how it connects in and expands what we can offer ourselves and our clients in this ever changing healing landscape.
Upcoming EO Offerings
Reconnect and Restore: Bridging Your Body, Your Emotions And Your Biofield For Root Level Healing
Dec 5-8, 2024
with Jess Bell, D.O. and Claire Garner NBC-HWC
Our Home Office, Bath, Maine
During this four day, in depth program, Jess Bell D.O. and Claire Garner NBC-HWC, take you on a journey into the energetic system of the body and its biofield. And along the way, you will learn how this work not only transforms your own body, but deepens and augments your professional skillset.
The Energetic Osteopathy® Newsletter:
Bridging Energetic Healing with Osteopathy
This newsletter aims to bring you updates about what's happening in the world of EO, energetic healing, and Jess Bell, D.O.'s offerings just for medical professionals, dentists, and healing practitioners.
Additional Resources
The Heart Math Institute offers us numerous studies have since shown that heart coherence is an optimal physiological state associated with increased cognitive function, self-regulatory capacity, emotional stability and resilience.
Here is their free E-book introducing the beautiful marriage of heart coherence and healing.
Eileen Day McKusick and the team over at have compiled an incredible list of peer reviewed scientific journal articles all about the science of the human biofield. ​